Looking for an AAPC Certified (American Academy of Professional Coders) Medical Coder/Medical Biller? Virtual Nurse RX has the professionals you can trust. Our Virtual Assistants can manage, assign, and sequence medical codes with ease. Visit the site today to learn...
Virtual Nurse Rx
Virtual Nurse Rx is a specialized Virtual Assistant Service that works exclusively with Doctors, Medical and Mental Health Professionals. All of our healthcare & medical VA’s are U.S. Registered Nurses who have gone through extensive training in medical systems,...
Looking for Pediatric Primary in Care El Cajon CA?
Looking for just the right El Cajon pediatricians for your child? CPMG has offices right here in El Cajon, and throughout East County San Diego. Find out why CPMG is the perfect fit for your family. Visit us.
Varicose Veins Removal San Jose
Dr. Fattahi, a pioneer in modern Phlebology serving the San Francisco Bay Area and Surrounding areas in California in non-surgical methods , takes personal care with each of his patients, and because there is a need for other trained specialists, he offers phlebology...
Hypnosis Quit Smoking in Los Angeles
Have you been trying to quit smoking and not getting the results you want? Many people in the Los Angeles area try method after method to beat this harmful habit, only to give up or return to their habit after some time!!